🪙Evermoon Token ($EVM)


The Evermoon Token ($EVM) is the governance token of the Evermoon ecosystem. It has a total supply of 1 billion tokens. The use cases for $EVM tokens are multifaceted, extending from gameplay utility to in-game purchases, participation in DeFi utilities, and the governance of the Evermoon platform.

Token Utilities

Here are the main ways that $EVM tokens are used within the Evermoon ecosystem:

  • Sacred Beast EXP: Players can use $EVM tokens to acquire multiplier EXP, which unlocks Sacred Beast NFT Pets for gameplay upon reaching set milestones.

  • De-Zentrum Pool: Depositing $EVM tokens into this pool yields interest, monthly lottery entries, priority access to NFTs, merchandise, and additional benefits.

  • NFT Capsules: These capsules can be purchased with $EVM tokens, offering a chance to obtain random NFTs such as heroes or skins.

  • In-Game Purchases: $EVM tokens are applicable for a variety of in-game items, including rune page tickets, everpass tickets, and guild tickets.

  • In-Game DeFi Utilities: The token facilitates participation in DeFi activities within the game.

  • NFT Marketplace Transactions: Transaction fees within the Evermoon NFT Marketplace can be paid using $EVM tokens.

  • E-Sports Activities: $EVM tokens are used for e-sports activity fees and sponsorships.

  • DAO Voting: Token holders can influence game and hero adjustments through DAO voting mechanisms.

Earning $EVM

Users can earn $EVM tokens through several methods:

  • De-Zentrum Pool Rewards: Users earn interest and lottery prizes from their deposits in the De-Zentrum Pool.

  • Ranked Match: Users can earn season-end rewards in $EVM, especially those who achieve top rankings.

  • Tournaments and E-Sports: Users can earn $EVM tokens by participating and performing well in tournaments and e-sports events.

  • Trading: $EVM tokens can be traded on decentralized and centralized exchanges, providing another avenue for users to earn $EVM.

Treasury System

The Evermoon Treasury is a system designed to support the price of $EVM tokens, reward the community, fund in-game activities, and provide liquidity for the platform's financial system.

A portion of the $EVM tokens used within the Evermoon platform are stored in the Treasury. These tokens are used for various purposes, including rewarding top players, funding the platform's further development, establishing partnerships, and marketing.

The sources of $EVM tokens stored in the Treasury include:

  • Capsule and In-Game Item Purchases: A portion of $EVM tokens used to purchase capsules and in-game items goes into the Treasury.

  • Fiat Money Top-ups: A portion of the $EVM tokens purchased with fiat currency is directed into the Treasury.

  • De-Zentrum Pool: A percentage of the $EVM tokens deposited into the De-Zentrum Pool is directed into the Treasury.

  • Sacred Beast: A portion of $EVM tokens used in the Sacred Beast feature goes into the Treasury.

  • DeFi and Fees: A portion of the $EVM tokens used in DeFi operations and fees are directed into the Treasury.

Last updated